Freezer bag cooking: cooking in a bag

That is, rehydrate your food in the bag in which you transported them (during the outdoor excursion). Comfort is skyrocketing, don't you think? But it takes a bit of effort upstream, let's see how.

Basmati rice (already cooked and dried, similar to pasta) (P5 for approx. 16 hours)
Carrots, dried in thin slices (P2 for approx. 18 hours)
Parsley minced meat, cooked and dried (P4 for approx. 14 hours)
"Potato bark', a preparation of potatoes in broth

Take all these ingredients - previously dried - with you in a bag certified to be resistant to high temperatures. Boil water in a saucepan, pour it into the bag and massage it a little to mix the ingredients. Then put it in a warm place while it rehydrates (a balaclava, a sleeping bag, a sweatshirt...), it will take about 10 minutes and then your dinner will be ready! Amazing isn't it?