Vegan cheese: from cashew to 'parmesan'!

With dried fruit and little else, it is possible to recreate a must in the vegan diet: a tasty, compact cheese that is very reminiscent of Parmesan. Conceived for those diets that by choice or necessity do not consume it, it actually becomes a great idea to create a completely new and healthy food to alternate with canonical dairy products!

for 350 g 'Parmesan' cheese:
250 g dried fruit (cashews and pine nuts)
250 ml water
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes
¼ teaspoon of salt
Thinly sliced shallots

Soak the cashews for 4 hours. Once soaked, blend them with the other ingredients and enough water to form a thick mixture (250 ml of water or a little more may suffice). Spread the mixture over the baskets of the dryer.

Start the programme P1 for 16/20 hours approximately (after 6 to 8 hours of drying turn the mixture over and finish drying to the desired consistency).

Always store in tightly sealed glass jars away from light and heat.

Recipe by Sara Cargnello

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