Raw stuffed mushrooms with dryer

If you want enjoy raw your freshly picked mushrooms, we have found the recipe for you. The ingredients should already be in your fridge (or in your garden!) so if you are back from the woods with a good haul of mushrooms, you can already get to work!

(for 2 persons)
10 mushrooms
2 chopped celery stalks
1 grated carrot
1 onion, chopped
1 grated courgette
2 tablespoons of oil
2 tablespoons agave
2 cloves garlic
balsamic vinegar

Clean the mushrooms and remove the stem, which will be crushed e mixed with onion, carrot, celery and courgette. Then season this mixture with oil, agave, garlic, basil, salt, pepper and a dash of balsamic vinegar and leave to marinate. Stuff the mushroom heads with this mixture.

Put them in a desiccator for 3 hours with programme P3 (suitable for crudists because it ensures that the food inside the dryer never reaches 40°).

Recipe by Sara Cargnello