Flaxseed crackers: healthy, easy and delicious!

Flaxseed crackers are one of the most famous and classic recipes in raw cooking. What perhaps not everyone knows is that, as well as being healthy, they are also of a deliciousness to which the photos do not do justice. Try it to believe. Even if you are an 'omnivore'! 😉

N.B.: this version is quite neutral, but you can add dried powdered or chopped vegetables to obtain a thousand different versions depending on personal taste, season and use!

250 g linseed, washed and soaked for a few hours
3 or 4 handfuls of peeled almonds (soaked the day before and then peeled)
3 to 4 tablespoons of tamari sauce
1 piece of grated ginger
2 tablespoons salted capers soaked for a few hours
some oregano and chilli pepper

to garnish: sesame seeds, fennel seeds, aniseed, poppy seeds or whatever you like.

In a bowl, whisk the soaked and peeled almonds (better if already chopped), ginger, tamari, capers, oregano and chilli. Add the flax seeds with their mucilage and whisk again.
Spread the dough on each shelf of the dryer covered with baking paper or DrySilkroll it out very thinly: you get six layers from the recipe. Start with P3, at 40° for about 24 hours.
A few hours before the deadline, sprinkle with seeds and spices to taste and, if desired, pre-cut the sheets with a knife to obtain later regular-shaped crackers.
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