6-8/05: BAM! A pedal appointment in the heart of Veneto!

From 6 to 8 May, from 50 to 150 km, night or day, don't miss the European Bikepacking meeting!

We've taken a liking to it! In May, we're going to get a taste of the spirit of adventure (BAM! stands for Bicycle ADVENTURE Meeting) that will be breathed in Noale, near Venzeia, at Europe's largest gathering of bikepacking enthusiasts.

For the uninitiated, this curious Anglo-Saxon word designates a green and autonomous approachtravelling with everything we need loaded into our rucksacks, to leave as little visible trace of our passage as possible.
And of course food is fundamentalas it is essential that it is healthy, nutritious, balanced, tasty and above all very light!

Tauro could not miss it: in the wake of the founding fathers of this travel philosophy (the Americans, light years ahead of us), we prepare exhibition points, showcooking and discounts dedicated to all participants of this unmissable event.

See you at the Rocca di Noale!

Info and registration on the event website.