17/9: Drying course with Chef Beria in Fabriano

A new course kicks off at the 'Fabrica del Gusto', under the guidance of a gourmand cooking expert.

The 17 September new appointment for all friends in central Italy: the Fabrica del Gusto of Fabriano, a cooking school but not only, hosts us in its premises to let us discover, together with the chef Martino Beriathe tricks and secrets of one of the oldest and safest conservation techniques food: thedrying.

With a dryer, you can in fact prepare basic dishesto simplify your life and eat healthily, but you can also indulge with the tastiest and most original recipes.

All this will take place under the guidance of chef Martino Beriaa great expert in healthy cooking and wellness.

Le enrolments are already open and the places are limitedso hurry up and reserve your quality seat!

DATE: Saturday 17 September
LOCATION: Fabrica del Gusto, Fabriano (AN)
HOURS: 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
TEACHER: Chef Martino Beria
COST: € 50.00

Plus, for all participants, discounts e promotions on the purchase of dryers!

Info and registration:
0732 880489 - 328 22234499 or info@fabricadelgusto.it

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