external data controllers

ActiveCampaign, LLC - 1 North Dearborn Street, 5th Floor - Chicago, IL 60602 - USA;

Google Ireland Limited - Gordon House, Barrow Street - Dublin - Ireland;

Facebook Ireland - 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin;

Trustpilot A/S, Pilestraede 58, 5th floor, 1112 Copenhagen, Denmark;

Graziella Moro, chartered accountant, fiscal code MROGZL66S46G224E P.I. 02063800284;

Sara De Paoli, communication and marketing consultancy, fiscal code DPLSRA82C54G224K VAT no. 05044780285;

Italix Sas di Andrea Sivieri e soci, web design and IT development, VAT and tax code 04311980280;

MOCA Interactive S.r.l., web marketing, VAT no. IT02852430244, Tax code TV0285244;

Sonar Srl, management software, VAT no. 04752190282;

Gianesin, Canepari and Partners S.r.l., Temporary Export Manager, P.I. and C.F. 03506800246;

Tommaso Pittarello, marketing consultancy.