Sales conditions

Terms and conditions of sale

The orders placed on the website will be managed by: Tauro Essiccatori Srl Office: via del lavoro 6 36043 Camisano Vicentino (Vicenza) Tax Code: 03977800246 VAT Number: 03977800246 Phone: +39 0444-719046 Fax: +39 0444-412515 Web address: E-mail:    


The prices shown always include VAT and, unless otherwise specified, they do not include transport costs.


Upon registration, the customer undertakes to use an existing and valid e-mail address. It is at this address that we will send the order confirmation and any other notices regarding the order. The customer is asked to inform us of any changes or issues concerning the e-mail address. For example, if no e-mail confirmation is received after the order, there may have been a typo in the e-mail address or communication problems between the e-mail servers. Just contact us and we will solve the problem.


All Tauro products are guaranteed for 2 years from the date of purchase. The warranty is valid only if the product is accompanied by the sales document (receipt or invoice). As required by law, the warranty covers all faults due to manufacturing defects.

Shipping and delivery

The shipping costs are specified in the last page of the order verification before final confirmation.
For more details and to verify current shipping costs, please visit the shipping costs page. shipping and delivery.

Právo na odstoupení od smlouvy

Podle platných právních předpisů může zákazník uplatnit právo na odstoupení od smlouvy, pokud jsou splněny níže uvedené podmínky.
O svém záměru uplatnit toto právo nás musíte informovat do 14 pracovních dnů od převzetí zboží, a to pokud možno doporučeným dopisem s dodejkou na adresu: Tauro Essiccatori Srl - via del lavoro 6 - 36043 Camisano Vicentino.
V dopise musíte uvést údaje o bankovním nebo poštovním účtu, na který můžeme dlužnou částku připsat zpět.
Ve stejné lhůtě nám navíc musíte vrátit zakoupený produkt, který si nechcete ponechat. Vrácený výrobek musí být neporušený a kompletní se všemi součástmi, včetně příslušenství, návodů a veškerého dalšího materiálu, který je součástí balení, pečlivě zabalený, aby nedošlo k jeho poškození během přepravy. Přiložte prosím také kopii dokladu o koupi nebo faktury. Náklady na dopravu při vrácení zboží hradí zákazník. Po obdržení zboží a zjištění, že je nepoškozené, bude cena zboží vrácena na běžný účet uvedený v dopise s žádostí o uplatnění práva na odstoupení od smlouvy.
Vrácení peněz bude provedeno za cenu výrobků bez nákladů na dopravu do 30 dnů od okamžiku, kdy nám bylo zboží vráceno.

Information statement pursuant to article 43-bis of Legislative Decree 2003/196.

The personal data collected shall be recorded in electronic databases, that are protected and not accessible to the public, and shall be processed by Tauro Essiccatori Srl using paper, electronic and/or automated means in order to register users, supply products/services as per users’ requests, fulfil contractual and legal obligations related to the products/services supplied, as well as, possibly, to send, including via e-mail, informative and promotional material to the data subject, concerning Tauro products and services. The data can be disclosed to our commercial staff, to Tauro sale points and to other natural or legal persons responsible for managing the technical services connected to the sale (e.g. banks for payments, firms in charge of the maintenance of our electronic databases), for similar processing with the same purposes. Providing the data of the data subject for such purposes is optional; the prior consent of the data subject is not necessary and failure to provide the data and/or the consent will make it impossible for Tauro to proceed with the processing for the intended purposes. Pursuant to art. 7 of Italian Decree Law No. 196 of 30-6-2003, the data subject may, at any time, access his/her personal data, requesting their updating, modification, completion and deletion, without prejudice to his/her right to object at any time for legitimate reasons to the aforementioned processing, by requesting it to our technical support service.

Acceptance of sales conditions

Pursuant to Article 1326 of the Italian Civil Code, the purchase contract is considered as finalized and these terms of sale are considered as accepted from the moment the customer clicks on the confirmation button in the verification screen at the end of the online purchase procedure.